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Everything posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. hitsuji-hime

    Well actually, I'm gonna get a PS3. ;w;
  2. hitsuji-hime

    Rucka Rucka Ali - Smack My Bitch
  3. hitsuji-hime

    Has someone uploaded this yet?!?!? omfg!!!
  4. hitsuji-hime

    That was the only thing that was good about it. I remember that shit coming up constantly on the commercials xD Good times.... But anyway, let's hope to get Xenoverse, so that when we meet up in-game, I'll kick your ass with my character! ;D
  5. hitsuji-hime

    After Budokai, they just became uncreative and just didn't care anymore. (How in the fucking hell is Tenkaichi 3 the best-selling game?!?!?! D:) Hopefully this game changes things...and I wish we could have Dragon Ball Heroes here too. :/
  6. hitsuji-hime

    I really love the fact that we can create our own characters now!! However, the character creation options are just...bland. You're stuck with the default setting of a muscular man and a petite girl...let's just hope that that's just the demo, and that they'll be cooking up more options as they go. I also don't like the quotes that you have to use on the chatroom when you're in the multiplayer mode, but I believe that's just the demo also. Other than that, I haven't had a chance to watch much gameplay yet, but I'm really excited for this game! The graphics are amazing, so I hope the developers don't screw this game up! (because personally, the games that came after Budokai 3 sucked ass, and the only good games that came after are only available in Japan ;A; )
  8. hitsuji-hime

    Plastic Tree - Tefutefu
  9. hitsuji-hime

    There's a special place in hell for people who ditch J-rock for K-Pop...like, bitch, really?!
  10. hitsuji-hime

    Oooh~ you like Merry? Looks like I've found myself a best friend~ Anyway, welcome to the forum! I hope you have a wonderful time here! ❤
  11. hitsuji-hime

    should i accept?
  12. hitsuji-hime

    I never cared for them but....why? Why are they disbanding? Such a shock...
  13. hitsuji-hime

    You're welcome~
  14. hitsuji-hime

  15. hitsuji-hime

    Butthurt taken to the extreme!!
  16. hitsuji-hime

    I only like visual kei because there's some crossdressers, plus the music is cool sometimes. Other than that, I don't care much for it either. I'm just mainly in it for the music. [lol at butthurt gazette fans]
  17. hitsuji-hime

    ALSO: Merry will also release a live-limited single, 「暗闇にピンク~All member ver.~」 (kurayami ni pink~All member ver.~) at their show in Shibuya Public Hall on the album's release date(?). In this single, all five members of Merry perform vocals for the song! [source] Please feel free to correct me if there's something wrong here.
  18. hitsuji-hime

    IN OTHER NEWS, they finally uploaded the full Zero PV to their channel:
  19. hitsuji-hime

    ドレミ團(doremidan) will revive at their live at Shinjuku ReNY on March 20, 2015 for their 13th anniversary. They will go under the name, ドレミ團 -Don't Let Me Down-.
  20. hitsuji-hime

    Oh my goodness!!! *fans self* This sounds fantastic!!! I cannot wait till this comes out!!! ❤❤❤
  21. These reactions are priceless omg...don't care about either one of these bands, never listened to them, but I'm still confused about this too xD
  22. hitsuji-hime

    Aww yes!! And close to my birthday too!! ♥
  23. ex-Vior gloire Vo.シャル(shall) has officially joined FUTURISM・BOYZ at their live on November 23, 2014
  24. hitsuji-hime

    I vote yes! I'd love to read band interviews, especially if they're translated! ;w;
  25. Aaaand he's doing that thing with his mouth again. Is this gonna be an ongoing thing with Yuuka? ^^;
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