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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    It’s not like half of the threads you post are in the genre of ”stupid libtards upset about X Y Z” ”Desperate for wokeness points” who the fuck are you for real coming on this board about vk bringing your asenine american political shite in here. Nobody here takes this shit seriously enough at least in the context of this forum to give a shit enough to virtue signal for anything. Left right up and down or center these titles and threads are peak cringe and I’d rather see this forum dead with its dignity intact rather than have this shit continue
  2. 3 points
    Seth et Holth, Moon Child.
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
    Diaura - Evils (Regular Edition) Luzmelt - Swallowed Scenery the GazettE - Stacked Rubbish (Special Edition) D'espairsRay - Garnet D'espairsRay - BORN D'espairsRay - Maverick D'espairsRay - Antique D'espairsRay - Liquidize Live Tour 2006 (photobook + CD) KHRYST+ - Shokuzai (Type A, B, C) and Comment DVD Frantic Emiry - Angel Cry/World End (Limited Edition) and photocard Lolita23Q - Missing (Live-Limited) さの。(Sano) -『閉塞はコスモ』(Heisoku wa Cosmo) [Kanon solo project]
  5. 2 points
    *watching BP records latest vid* It feels good to see a happy Hayato-chan. He's always been glooming/sad lately.
  6. 2 points
    We were doing it back in 2005-2006 when Mao formed Sadie and everyone knew he liked DEG, so naturally the comparisons were made right there for each album they churned out. I guess it's easier to point out this difference now than it was back then ?‍♂️ Glad Mao is doing well in THE THIRTEEN, and even then he had a rough beginning with this project too lol. DIMLIM are already known as the Saviors of VK haha, its almost fitting. It has been that long. I was into VK a year or so longer but the people who taught me were around in 2002-2003, right when the boom internationally was beginning. I do wish they stuck around though . Might help a bit to keep VK relevant in the USA. Check out the live report on the GazettE Tour in NYC recently and share your thoughts/views on the demographic of new VK listeners that you saw for an audience. Oh BTW, reading your responses here @ambivalentideal I can see you know your history haha. That's real good. New users are popping up constantly now, that they outweigh the minority of us that stuck around lol.
  7. 1 point
    10 years after his band disbanded, 廃-sutari- (ex-螺旋錠 (La;Cen-zhow.)) is currently recruiting a guitarist and a drummer for his new band (he already has a bassist) which will be formed in Nagoya. They must submit a demo track with original music.
  8. 1 point
    BABYMETAL 3rd Album "METAL GALAXY" will be released at 2019/10/11. Riho Sayashi (ex.Morning Musume) and Kano Fujihira (Sakura Gakuin) have supported the band lately.
  9. 1 point
    ex-ゴシップ (Gossip) members new band "NICOLAS" has formed! They will begin activities with a oneman tour in July. [lineup] Vo.SAKU Gt.AKANE Gt.SATSUKI Ba.ZERO Dr.RITSU OHP Twitter
  10. 1 point
    Hello, everyone!! My name is Alex, I'm 24, and I've been listening to vk for wow, a while now. I dunno if this counts as being a veteran or not lol but I discovered vk in around late 2006 with An Cafe, but didn't get hog-wild crazy into vk until the summer of 2007. The last time I posted on a vk forum was back when batsu was still alive lmao. I think I was GentleLie on there?? And I was 12 which was a talking point or at least I thought it was. Anyone else from batsu? Anyway, it's so nice to see a vk forum still in existence! I've never really gotten all the way out of vk 100%, but I've waxed and waned over the years. I just recently got back into vk pretty full force this year after seeing the GazettE in Dallas, which was my first time seeing them, and it brought back so much for me. They were one of my top bands when I first got into vk, so it was really special for me to see them finally. I'll list some of the bands I liked from different points in my vk history just so y'all can get a feel for who I am I guess. : P early: An Cafe, Ayabie, Malice Mizer, Moi dix Mois, the GazettE, Alice Nine, LM.C, Dir en Grey Mid: Versailles, Phantasmagoria, hurts, Screw, lynch., Dio, D, aicle, Kaya, vistlip, Canzel, Sugar, Schwarz Stein Late: AND, VanessA, Lycaon, Megaromania, NEGA, 9GOATS BLACK OUT, Born, -OZ-, Unsraw, Dog in the PWO, Super late, aka the last band I paid attention to actively: MEJIBRAY I'm slowly discovering current bands and having a lot of fun doing so! I just found out about DIMLIM and am currently obsessed with their album CHEDOARA. I would super appreciate any recs! Nice to meet everyone, and I look forward to talking with y'all.
  11. 1 point
    BLOOD STAIN CHILD new album "AMATERAS" will be released at 2019/07/03 [tracklist] 1.New Space Order 2.Del-Sol 1.02 3.EARTH 4.Eastern Gravity 5.√BSC 6.Love inPulse 7.Luminus Infelno 8.8bit Blackhole 9.Lost Humanity 10.3+6+9 11.皇-sumeragi- 12.CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA(Dragon Ball Z OP cover)
  12. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    There's a common misconception that you have to throw everything away, but you don't. You get rid of what doesn't bring joy and meaning to your life to make room for what does. Now, I will warn you that you can go over board and get addicted to throwing things away. I had so many cds and games and DVDs in cases and threw away nearly every case (even my DALLE stuff), everything that I didn't intend to sell, but it felt good and I don't really regret it. You start small, get rid of stuff with no meaning or next to little or no meaning and go from there. I hope I've cleared things up a bit, no pun intended.
  13. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    i love the concept of minimalism but i don't think i can ever put it into practice....... i like collecting things and i've got books and games that give me a source of inspiration. it's kinda hard to be minimal when you're an artist, unless you do minimal art or something. thankfully, i mostly do digital art at least.
  14. 1 point
    Well I just lurked here at the wrong time now, didn't I?
  15. 1 point
    It has nothing to do with you posting, I never insinuated that you posted it b/c of "racism". It's the attention that's being garnered toward the headline and the source. Though, I'm looking at more than just this article. Also, unironically using the term "wokeness points", lol. It is, however, my mistake for bringing that conversation into this thread where a misunderstanding could develop (I should know better, given the other drama on the forum.) I got pretty irked going through some of the article (and other article's) comments, so intended on referencing that here. Would rather not stir drama in an entertainment thread. If I come off that way, my apologies.
  16. 1 point
    Totally forgot about that one, it was good, but not as good as the original.
  17. 1 point


    Well, I was told by many to watch Your Lie in April because it was so great and that people cried at the end blah blah. So I sat down to watch it. First few episodes were great, pacing was good, and character introduction and plot were well established. I actually thought it was cool. Thennnnnn I got to episode 6 or so and they "shat the bed" (using references to Darling in the FranXX) with the crappiest resolve moment crap for the protagonist that I just stopped watching. It was so stupid to me what happened in those episodes leading up to the moment that I was in arguments with friends that I was not getting the message or that it was a good resolve and I was being dramatic. Oh, I got the message, but it was handled in such poor taste that the characters leave nothing to be desired, and so soon I might add that the resolve made no sense and actually, it was not even needed. I was gonna put it on hold to finish it, but from what I hear it was actually really bad from episode 10 onward by what others who've seen the show said so I'll most likely drop it since I already thought nothing more of it to continue watching. Such a shame too because the show had promise. And I'm pretty sure someone dies at the end like all these types of shows tend to do. Probably a good thing I watched this alone otherwise I'd piss some people off that I didn't enjoy the show.
  18. 1 point
    The Moon

    Obscure Visual Kei bands

    aurora were the art kei PIONEERS we have to stan x the vocalist was also in a following band called gechena who were great but didn't release much of anything before disbanding
  19. 1 point

    Obscure Visual Kei bands

    Naaaaah, there are more songs of them on youtube, such as They released two singles,you can find both of them online even in 320 quality. All of the songs are on this channel.
  20. 1 point
    We,anime fans and gamers are desperately in need of a Tokyo Ghoul 2D fighting game. There's plenty of awesome characters with awesome designs and different skills,just like DBZ or Naruto. Enough with the dynasty warriors-style.
  21. 1 point
    I think I publicly complained about that Verlorene Seelen picture because they fucking ruined it with that obnoxious watermark loool It sucks, because that's more or less the only picture with their first drummer.
  22. 1 point

    when bandmen try to make movies/dramas.

    I've watched once a movie by someone from Golden Bomber, where Aoi (Ayabie) was playing one of the bad guys. It was a mess.
  23. 1 point

    when bandmen try to make movies/dramas.

    There is also the "Visual Sentai vs. Kusomen" or whatever it is called by Jin Machine. That one was actually really fun to watch.
  24. 1 point

    when bandmen try to make movies/dramas.

    MALICE MIZER's vampire flick 薔薇の婚礼 ~真夜中に交わした約束~ (Bara no konrei ~Mayonaka ni kawashita yakusoku~) is where it's at!!! So good. I watched Oresama like 14 years ago too, but my brain blocked out the trauma, lol.
  25. 1 point

    Another vk veteran (???) intro!

    same here, I already have been listening to it on apple music, but I really wanted a physical copy. hey thanks! I appreciate it
  26. 1 point
    Is anyone selling GOTCHAROCKA’s live limited CD “Naked Songs”? I’ve been listening to it non stop and really want a copy of my own
  27. 1 point

    Another vk veteran (???) intro!

    I didn't know the 2nd press also is sold out by now. I missed the 1st one and was thinking through some options when they just announced the 2nd one by the end of last year. I know it's up at iTunes but I wanted to own a physical copy of the album so I can relate you are searching for an option. I found it listed at a German shop that seemingly sends to the US but it seems all the order part is just put in German. You might check it out over here and see if this works for you. That's the link to the CD itself.
  28. 1 point

    Another vk veteran (???) intro!

    oh yeah, totally agree with that. i’m stoked that some of the bands i grew up with have influenced some of current gen bands. exciting af. not only that, but the era of diru that dimlim seems to be inspired by the most is imo one of their best during their career, so getting to hear smth that came as the result is really cool.
  29. 1 point
    those are some of my all time favs too :') cool cool! I like Kizu too, I think they're doing some pretty cool stuff. I'll have to check out the other two. if you like old school vk you may like AZALEA. earliest band of vocal Hina (hurts, schwein, etc). hurts were an UNDER CODE band, so if you like phantasmagoria and megaromania you'd probably like them too! that's what my profile pic is from, hurts' single gankyuu x needle. I always loved anything Hina was in, idk why but I really love his voice. I think he's doing some really underground solo stuff nowadays. he looks exactly the same even tho he's like in his 40s lmao. if you're familiar with D'elsquel i'm sure you know about 9GOATS BLACK OUT, but just in case you don't, I 1000% percent recommend them. It was vocal Ryo's band for a while and to this day they're one of my favorite vk bands of all time. Ryo is an absolute genius imo, and I think his work with that band is still one of the most unique projects in vk. I've always been really in love with his voice too, it has such a unique quality to it and his range is really interesting. he was a graphic designer or something, like i think he did that as his job, designing jacket art for other bands for the years between Gullet disbanding before randomly jumping back into the scene and shocking everyone (lol) with 9goats and how ridiculously good they were. anyway he designed all the jacket art and art design for 9goats and I believe he was the main songwriter. he's fucking amazing and I can't recommend 9goats enough! i'll leave you with those for now and if you're still interested i definitely have more haha. It sounds like you have a pretty wide taste so i'm sure there are a lot of bands you'll like. I hope you like these!
  30. 1 point
    Hey! I'm a relatively new fan in the VK scene as I have been a VK fan for about nine months since October. Glad to see a veteran on here who can give me some recommendations!
  31. 1 point
    Anne Claire

    What are you listening to 2?

    Can't stop listening, this is sooooo good, oh yeah... MIYA DA QUEEN
  32. 1 point
    The New York performance at PlayStation Theater from 2019.05.06 will be aired on WOWOW Channel on 2019.08.18 at 9:00pm
  33. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    - gulu gulu - 変なメリーゴーランド 【TYPE B】 - 己龍 - 己龍 単独巡業-千秋楽-「転生輪廻」〜2018年12月21日【東京】TOKYO DOME CITY HALL 〜 【DVD】 - ギャロ - DEATHTOPIA - ヴァージュ - Gracia-ガラシャ- 【TYPE B】 - SEXPOT MAGAZINE vol.36
  34. 1 point
    The.picnics is an alter ego band of ensoku, so yeah, this is a joke lol
  35. 1 point


    People shouldn’t watch the dubbed version in the first place.
  36. 1 point


    I'm late to the party but Aggretsuko is life. It makes me want to watch Detroit Metal City all over again ❤️
  37. 1 point


    Netflix has re-dubbed Neon Genesis Evangelion and people are pissed.
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    hector drinking game: chug a bottle of vodka every time they mention shinjuku in some way
  40. 1 point
    Their new mini-album 平成享年 (Heisei Kyounen) will be released at 2019/7/5 (6 tracks, 2,500 yen) 1. 新宿の犬 (Shinjuku no Inu) 2. 平成享年 (Heisei Kyounen) 3. 風鈴 (Fuurin) 4. I looked at her 5. 明日は何して遊ぼうか。 (Ashita wa Nani Shite Asobou ka.) 6. 蛍の光 (Hotaru no Hika)
  41. 1 point
    I pray for someday heteronormativity just erases off from the vk scene. It's just so weird that every musician within it pretend to be full cis-straight in a scene where the basic dress-code is actually cross-dressing. I guess heteronormativity could never look so stupid itself.
  42. 1 point
    idk if this counts but i once read on wikipedia that DIO - Distraught Overlord's Mikaru once bit some guys' balls during a live.
  43. 1 point
    Their first single「真昼の蜃気楼」(Mahiru no shinkirou) will be released at their live on 2019.07.01. (1080 yen) Tracklist : 1.真昼の蜃気楼(Mahiru no shinkirou) 2.遮断(Shadan)
  44. 0 points

    What did you dream about last night?

    I dreamt that I woke up next to Ryo (Virge's vocalist). He was still sleeping so I stroked his back to wake him up, and as he turned his head to look at me I asked him to grope my boobs. He never did it though and I pouted and felt disappointed. tfw ur fave bandman doesn't want u even in ur dreams
  45. 0 points

    What video games are you currently playing?

    Been playing a minimalist city builder called Islanders. Quite a nice relaxing game, but people who like city builder probably don't like it for its shallowness. Would be great as a phone game imo
  46. 0 points
    仮病 (Kebyou) Ba. 幽城 齋 (Yuki Sai) has departed at 2019/06/30 due to his health problems he suffers from concussion, cervical sprain and brain base contusion since a fall on a rainy night at 2019/06/14 https://kebyonolalala.localinfo.jp/posts/6525184?categoryIds=1654286
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